The Preppy Essentials | Autumn

G'day friends! If you follow The Aussie Prep on Instagram (if you're not, the link is here. Go follow now!), you would know that I am currently on a cross-country road trip with my best friend Ebony. I haven't brought my laptop with me, so I have written this post ahead in preparation. My twin sister, Claire (oh yeah, have I told you guys about her yet?), has been super awesome and is posting this for me, so shout out to her! Thanks Claire. Now, on to the post.




Can you believe that it is Autumn next week?! Where has Summer gone? I mean, living in Melbourne we never really get a full, satisfying Summer anyway, so I shouldn't be all that surprised. Autumn is definitely my favourite month. To me, there is nothing better than Melbourne in Autumn. It is also the season where the Preppy style can really shine. I am getting excited right now just thinking about the vests, the boots and the scarves I now get to wear!

This is Claire here, signing off for Grace! She wrote this post before she left and I am here making sure she is still sticking to her posting schedule! She doesn't usually have a sign off, but she wanted me to write one anyway.

I am definitely going to steal borrow a few of these items!

What are some of your autumn essentials?

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